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The Team

Catherine Woodiwiss — founder & director
Catherine Woodiwiss is an award-winning designer, journalist, and researcher. She builds for individual, communal, and civic wellbeing. Early instances of this project appeared at Sojourners, Austin Center for Design, Interintellect, and was featured in the The New York Times.

Denise Dicks — design operations lead
Denise Dicks is interested in the intersection of art and science, especially when it can aid in human flourishing. In her work with the GEMH lab, she is part of projects exploring the power of audio to build connections to ourselves, each other, and the natural world.

Hanneke Scholten — lead project scientist & co-director, GEMH Lab
Dr. Hanneke Scholten is an assistant professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology and co-director of the Games for Emotional and Mental Health (GEMH) Lab. It is her mission to understand the world young people live in and to create digital experiences that matter to youth and improve their wellbeing.

Isabela Granic — advising scientist & founder and co-director, GEMH Lab
Dr. Isabela Granic is a professor in developmental psychology. Half her worklife is devoted to running an academic research lab that focuses on the design and evaluation of technology that promotes emotional resilience and social flourishing in young people. The other half of her time is spent building and implementing Liminal Learning, a program that helps young people launch into their adulthood with personal meaning and collective purpose.

With Additional Support From

Bryan Kam
digital analyst & 
backend engineer
Harry Ramsay
lead data analyst
Patricia Hurducaş
data analyst
Hayley Darden
brand & mission
Rick Benger
grantwriting &
project consultant

More Reading: Our Social Healing Research Library

Papers & Studies
  1. Writing about emotional experiences as a therapeutic process. Pennebaker, J. Association for Psychological Science (1997)
  2. The connection prescription: Using the power of social interactions and the deep desire for connectedness to empower health and wellness. Martino, J., et al. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (2017)
  3. Key roles of community connectedness in healing from trauma. Schultz, K,. et al. Psychology of Violence (2016)
  4. Hurting and healing in therapeutic environments: How can we understand the role of the relational context? Clarke, Simon P., et al. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling (2016)
  5. Do good stories produce good health?: Exploring words, language, and culture. Ramírez-Esparza, N & Pennebaker, J. Narrative Inquiry (2006)
  6. To belong is to matter: sense of belonging enhances meaning in life. Lambert, N.M. et al. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2013)
  7. Emotion elicits the sharing of emotion: Theory and empirical review. Rimé, B. International Society for Research on Emotion (2009)
  8. The redemptive self: Generativity and the stories Americans live by. McAdams, D. Research in Human Development (2006)
  9. A look back and a path forward: Poetry's healing power during the pandemic. Xiang, D. & Yi, A. Journal of Medical Humanities (2020)
  1. The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss (Mary-Frances O'Connor, 2022)
  2. Teaching for Purpose (Heather Malin, 2018)
  3. What Can a Body Do? How We Meet the Built World (Sara Hendren, 2020)
  4. Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World (Vivek Murthy, 2020)
  5. From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death (Caitlin Doughty, 2017)
  6. Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved (Kate Bowler, 2018)
  7. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma (Bessel van der Kolk, 2014)
  8. Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path (Julia Cameron, 1992)
  9. Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions (Alcoholics Anonymous, 1953)
  10. Radical Grace: Daily Meditations (Richard Rohr, 1995)